Kick Start the Morning Routine

The best way to conquer the morning routine is to start early! It has been proven the most successful people start early.

They get up and go, determined to achieve their goals.

As a mother, I wake up knowing I want to accomplish x,y,z before I even get ready for work.

I may work early in the morning, but I wake up even early to get more done instead of cramming it into my evening routine.

My motivation level is much higher in the morning. If I save certain items for the PM time, I could just shrug stuff off depending how my day went.

A bad day could cause my motivational levels to drop throughout the day.

But if I start fresh everyday, then I use the new day to conquer my mornings and be more productive.

Morning Beverage to Conquer

Coffee seems to be my top beverage of choice in the morning.

I am guilty of stumbling to the kitchen and yearning for the first sip of the hot brew as soon as I rise.

Coffee doesn’t have to determine your level of productivity, others could choice a hot tea.

I even encourage the warm lemon water in the morning. Water for me is a slow rise. I really rely on the coffee to conquer my mornings.

Any way you choose to start your morning, it can jump start your metabolism and get your body going.

I also highly encourage a healthy breakfast shortly after your morning beverage. I spread out all my meals with plenty of snacks throughout the day.

Keep everything balanced and in proportion and you will have the right amount of energy to get through the day.

Morning Preparation to Conquer your Routine

After my coffee is brewed (and the meowing fat cat is fed), I prep for the day. I have breakfasts to make and lunches to pack. 

I try my hardest to pack ahead for the week, so I am mostly just grab and go in the morning. 

My  important shortcuts for easy lunch packing:

reusable ziplocs are my favorite!! We are not a waste free household (yet!!) but I love knowing that I am not throwing plastic away every day

And if you are worried about little ones throwing these away, my seven year old does not! I actually have every one that I originally bought (I can’t say that about my tupperware!)

I use leftovers first! I like to prepare a couple salads or meals for the week, but my key is to cook once! So we make enough at dinner to take to lunch the next day.  This means nothing goes to waste and I am not eating the same lunch everyday.

I will continue more ideas for morning prep in another blog post, because I could really keep going with this here!!

After lunches are done, then it is “my morning me-time”

I want to make sure the bags are ready to go, so the time doesn’t slip by me and I am running around looking for items.

Morning Reflection Boost your Routine

I spend the rest of the morning, reflecting on me. I usually have about 45 minutes to an hour here.

Some people may say “What! You could have slept in more!” but… then when is it my time?

You know full well as a mom, you can’t always guarantee your “me time” at night. 

Nighttime can get filled up with extracurricular activities, homework, taking care of children … and then you are left falling into bed exhausted with nothing to show!

So yes mornings are best!!

I can’t say I wake up excited to go to my actual job, but I do like the time I carve out for myself in the early morning, without anyone around.

If I had a newborn this may not be possible, but my kid is finally in the stage in which she would rather sleep in or as she says, “Don’t wake me until it is bright out.” 

I spend my mornings blogging, relaxing, getting ready for the day, picking something up, planning,writing down goals or to dos, sipping coffee, stretching, and even soul searching.

It really is my time to do as I choose. 

I encourage you to try it!!

This has been my morning routine consistently for a couple years now, and I truly enjoy it.

I remember one morning I overslept before working, and I rushed out of bed, ran around and barely made it out of the house in time.

Let me tell you how the rest of my day went….. NOT so WELL!

Morning Exercise

If you have time to wake up and exercise in the morning, then take advantage of it.

Exercise gets you up and moving and ready to tackle the day.

Unfortunately, because I work so early in the morning, my exercise has to wait until the evening.

I do not like this! Depending on how my day went and what activities are planned after work, my exercise of choose may or may not happen.

So I highly suggest to wake and get after it and conquer the morning routine!

Everyone is different, but I believe the early hours are the best time for change.

I remember ten years ago (in my twenties) dreading an early morning and hating getting up, but now I think completely different.

After a lot of consistency, early mornings are beneficial and crucial to the success of my week.

I get more done and my stress levels are not as high, when I am not rushing from one thing or another.

Life shouldn’t be rushed, but instead enjoyed.

Remember to slow it down and enjoy a sunrise to start your day!