Hi! My name is Erin and I am the writer of the-not-so-handy-mommy. I am your average single mother who works two jobs while trying to crunch all my motherly duties into the wee hours. If you have children, you will understand the pressure of having to get everything done and done right which usually never goes the way you planned it to. I have accepted I am not the perfect mom, but I try everyday to do better.

The Homestead

On top of my job and child, I am also a homeowner, an owner of a fixer-upper in which something is constantly breaking or needs updating. I love my little family and home, but I am always reevaluating my balance of work and home.  Along with spending my free time chasing a 7 year old around, I am chipping away at all my to-do lists. Projects in my life differ from prepping lunches for the entire week to you-tubing how to unfreeze a disposal. I look for inspiration from others and use creative ways to redesign my house and its quirks.

My Commitment

I hope you come to my page to find comfort that you are not alone in your life journey. We can all feel frustrated and annoyed that our counters are still messy,  the yard is overgrown, and it is Sunday night already.  We will find the positive in Monday mornings, knowing that it is a start to a fresh week with new expectations.  I hope my projects inspire you to pick up a hammer or write lists before heading to the grocery store. We can all learn to complete our own DIY projects and multitask through our family duties.  Projects come in many forms and we will tackle them together.

Handy Mommy??

I am not handy!!! I want to reiterate this, because I am not good with tools and the lists I make everyday could make my head spin. I have learned, as a mother and a homeowner, that the cheapest and most efficient course of action is to learn to do it yourself! I will learn and so will you! I am lucky enough to have wonderful parents who have given me the groundwork to work hard for what I want. They both taught me basic cooking, cleaning, and tool skills.  At a young age, I rolled my eyes and thought I would never have to actually “adult.”  I don’t know at what age I realized I was on my own as a full-fledged citizen of society, but here I am!!  This blog is a collection of my projects and my life journey through adulthood and motherhood. I hope you stay along for the ride and leave your comments.  We  can all learn from one another and inspire each other to do better.